First and foremost, your domain must be configured to allow email hosting. If it is not, please contact the sysadmin.
Once your domain has been configured, you may use the mkvmail tool from the command line. You will be greeted with this screen: Virtual Email manager Enter domain (or 'quit'):
Type your domain name here, then press enter. You will then be presented with a menu similar to this:
VMAIL EDITOR - AJGRAVES.COM You are using 1 of 50 addresses, and 2 of 50 forwarders. (1) List email addresses (2) List forwards (3) New email account (4) New forward (5) Remove email account (6) Remove forward (7) Change password (0) Exit What would you like to do?
From here, you can create or remove email accounts and forwarders, and change the password for an account.